Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University
The priority of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University (SABAUNI) is to create an academic environment appropriate to students' personal interests and abilities and harmonic to their intellectual and personal development.
The priority of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University (SABAUNI) is to create an academic environment appropriate to students' personal interests and abilities and harmonic to their intellectual and personal development. Accordingly, we prepare high-competitive specialists endowed with modern theoretical and practical knowledge, contributing to the formation of a democratic, ethical, and responsible community with their lifestyle and successful career.
Our programs, meeting modern standards, will supply students with profound knowledge in various professional fields, stir deep interest in their intellectual development, critical thinking, and communication skills to assist them in their future social and professional lives.
The University's mission is to provide teaching, learning, and research in the humanities and social sciences at the local and international levels, based on the principles of human dignity and freedom, to bring cultures and generations closer together, and to develop society.
There are 6 Bachelor (Law, Tourism, Business, Business (Eng), International Relations, Theology) and 3 Master (Law, Theology, Business) programs at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University. All of them are accredited. The university issues diplomas with state recognition.
- Tbilisi
Kalistrate Kutateladze Street,3, , Tbilisi