Saint Mark University for Administrative Sciences. (Universidad en Ciencias Administrativas San Marcos (USAM))
The San Marcos University has its origins in the first commercial school that was established in Costa Rica in 1922, under the name of the Manuel Aragón School of Commerce, specialized in the teaching of Accounting and Commerce, a name that remained in force for many years. With the passage of time, the private commercial educational system in our country evolved and that first commercial educational institution was transformed into a Parauniversity institution in 1974, with the name of Instituto de Profesionalización en Ciencias Accountants Manuel Aragón (IPECCO ), preserving as it was in its origins the specialty in the teaching of Accounting and Business Administration.
The San Marcos University has its origins in the first commercial school that was established in Costa Rica in 1922, under the name of the Manuel Aragón School of Commerce, specialized in the teaching of Accounting and Commerce, a name that remained in force for many years.
With the passage of time, the private commercial educational system in our country evolved and that first commercial educational institution was transformed into a Parauniversity institution in 1974, with the name of Instituto de Profesionalización en Ciencias Accountants Manuel Aragón (IPECCO ), preserving as it was in its origins the specialty in the teaching of Accounting and Business Administration.
In the eighties and nineties, an unprecedented evolution in university higher education appeared in Costa Rica with the creation, for the first time, of private universities, which is why some of the park university institutes of the time evolved, becoming institutions private university institutions, among others IPECCO, giving way in 1996 to the San Marcos University in Administrative Sciences, respecting its traditional specialization in the areas of Accounting and Business Administration up to the present.
- San José
San José, Costa Rica