University of Sarajevo School of Economics and Business
The School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (SEBS) was established in 1952 as the Faculty of Economics. Its first class
The School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (SEBS) was established in 1952 as the Faculty of Economics. Its first class consisted of 105 full-time and 129 part-time students. SEBS has the longest tradition and is the largest educational institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a leading institution in the BH higher education system in the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of economics and business administration. Of particular significance is the continuity of School operations throughout the past 58 years. Even amid the heaviest shelling and warfare during the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992-1995, teaching did not cease, owing to the enthusiasm and dedication of both employees and students. The School managed to keep the majority of its faculty members even during the most difficult periods of its history. Over the last fifty years, the School has been continually developing and implementing numerous programs leading to the formation of highly-educated and creative professionals capable of assuming managerial and leadership roles in their professional careers. Its main goal is to adopt and apply all current trends in business, economics, and education to adapt to our rapidly changing, competitive environment. As of 2009, 15.154 students in the four-year program, 823 students in the three-year program and 3.543 students in the two-year program have graduated from the School. 569 applicants acquired a Master’s Degree, while 187 doctoral dissertations have been defended. Endeavoring to make its curriculum and syllabus as modern as possible, as well as to intensify steps towards the internationalization and international recognition of its degrees, the School was the first in Bosnia-Herzegovina to adopt and implement (during the 2001/2002 academic year) a curriculum based on the European Credits Transfer System – ECTS. An appreciable level of cooperation has been achieved with elite schools of economics both in Europe and around the world, providing students with a wider array of choices, and allowing their own independent influence on the development of the programs in which they participate. The second step in implementing the ECTS-based concept of study at the School started in 2005 with the introduction of the “3+2+3” system. The School introduced its first generation of graduates, which is based on an ECTS concept, in October 2008. SEBS is the only educational institution in B&H that has been a member of European Foundation for Management Development - EFMD and member of The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business – AACSB. SEBS has been granted the accreditation by the Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance. At present, SEBS is the only faculty in Bosnia and Herzegovina that holds a European accreditation, which means that this institution and its diplomas will be recognized in the European Education Area. SEBS also introduced quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2008. In 2009, SEBS gained certification by Bureau Veritas. Introduction and certification of Quality Management System by ISO Standard verifies SEBS as a successful institution in development and implementation of academic programs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd study cycle of higher education and non-academic degree programs, courses and training according to the Life Long Learning concept. In 2009, SEBS was rewarded with EDUNIVERSAL Palmes Certificate. This certificate highlights the growing success of this institution on an international scale and puts SEBS in the 1.000 best business schools worldwide. According to Webometrics, world universities’ ranking system of the WEB activities, SEBS, was ranked 390th, among the top 400 business schools in the world.

- Sarajevo
School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo University of Sarajevo Trg oslobodjenja - Alija Izetbegovic 1, 71000, Sarajevo