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MA Programs in Social Sciences
A master’s degree is often considered the next step for students who have already earned their bachelor’s degree. A Master of Arts focuses more intensely on a specific field of study or occupation, generally in the humanities.
What is an MA in Social Sciences? Students of this degree find their courses focus on making a change in the world around them. Classes typically cover the understanding the structures of society and the ways that citizens fit into that structure, then applying that knowledge to induce positive results. Students usually participate in a mixture of independent study, collaborative projects, and professional networking when pursuing this master’s degree. From social sciences, many students branch out into specialized areas such as gender studies, sociology, and political science.
Students of the social sciences stand to gain a broad range of skills. For example, psychoanalytical skills can provide them with insight into the people around them, improving their interpersonal relationships. The skill of analyzing world events puts students in a better position to educate those around them as to these events’ significance, and the ability to understand the interactions of government and society enables them to promote positive social change.
Costs for earning an MA in Social Sciences vary widely from location to location and program to program. Because so many schools now offer online education, an online choice may have its own variations in cost as well.
As diverse as the field of social sciences is, the career opportunities open to its graduates are equally diverse. Students may choose to become psychotherapists, employing a range of approaches from traditional psychology to spiritual meditation, depending on their area of study. Other students may find themselves becoming anthropologists, using their research into humanity to promote a better future for world citizens. Still other students could become specialists in international relations, turning their knowledge to policy implementation or peacebuilding efforts between nations.
Whether the student prefers online or on-site education, schools around the world offer the chance to earn an MA in Social Sciences. To learn more, search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.