The Federal University of Sao Joao Del-Rei - Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ)
The Federal University of São João del-Rei ( UFSJ ) was established by Law 7,555, of December 18, 1986, as the São João del-Rei Higher Education Foundation ( Funrei ), resulting from the meeting and federalization of two institutions: the Dom Bosco Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, whose activities began in 1954, maintained by the Province of São João Bosco; and the Municipal Foundation of São João del-Rei, which maintains the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences (Faceac) and the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Faein), whose activities began in 1972 and 1976 respectively.
The Federal University of São João del-Rei ( UFSJ ) was established by Law 7,555, of December 18, 1986, as the São João del-Rei Higher Education Foundation ( Funrei ), resulting from the meeting and federalization of two institutions: the Dom Bosco Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters, whose activities began in 1954, maintained by the Province of São João Bosco; and the Municipal Foundation of São João del-Rei, which maintains the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences (Faceac) and the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Faein), whose activities began in 1972 and 1976 respectively.
On April 19, 2002, Funrei was transformed into a University through Law 10.425, adopting the acronym UFSJ, elected by the academic community. UFSJ is a legal entity of public law, financed by the Public Power, linked to the Ministry of Education, which has its headquarters and venue in the city of São João del-Rei and has educational units in Divinópolis, in the Alto Paraopeba region and in Sete Lagoons, all in the State of Minas Gerais. As a federal institution of higher public education, UFSJ strives for scientific, didactic, administrative, disciplinary, and financial and asset management autonomy.
- Fábricas
Fábricas, Brazil