Universidad Nacional De Córdoba - National University of Córdoba
The National University of Córdoba (UNC) has a student population of approximately 136 thousand students. Physically, it occupies an area of 11.5 million square meters, of which 1.37 million are in the city of Córdoba and the rest in the interior of the province of Córdoba. Its own covered area exceeds 380 thousand square meters. Distributed between Ciudad Universitaria and the historic center of Córdoba, the UNC –also known as Casa de Trejo– has fifteen faculties; two secondary schools; 145 research centers and institutes; twenty-five libraries; seventeen museums; a blood products laboratory; two hospitals; a blood bank; two astronomical observatories; a nature reserve, and a multimedia communication system made up of two television channels, two radios (AM and FM) and a news portal.
The National University of Córdoba (UNC) has a student population of approximately 136 thousand students. Physically, it occupies an area of 11.5 million square meters, of which 1.37 million are in the city of Córdoba and the rest in the interior of the province of Córdoba. Its own covered area exceeds 380 thousand square meters.
Distributed between Ciudad Universitaria and the historic center of Córdoba, the UNC –also known as Casa de Trejo– has fifteen faculties; two secondary schools; 145 research centers and institutes; twenty-five libraries; seventeen museums; a blood products laboratory; two hospitals; a blood bank; two astronomical observatories; a nature reserve, and a multimedia communication system made up of two television channels, two radios (AM and FM) and a news portal.
- Córdoba
Avenida Haya de la Torre,s/n, , Córdoba