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Universidad Nacional de Chilecito


The UNdeC is an institution of higher education, public and free, responsible and committed to quality, relevance, and belonging to the Chilean society, the province, and the region; vigorous, creative, and constantly growing. Although national universities must respond to operating logics and quality parameters that are equanimous in the competence of all members of the National University System, they also have a geopolitical commitment. The decision to install a university is based on the conviction to strengthen the development of this region.

The UNdeC is an institution of higher education, public and free, responsible and committed to quality, relevance and belonging to the Chilean society, the province and the region; vigorous, creative, and constantly growing.

Although national universities must respond to operating logics and quality parameters that are equanimous in the competence of all members of the National University System, they also have a geopolitical commitment. The decision to install a university is based on the conviction to strengthen the development of this region.

  • Buenos Aires

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


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      Universidad Nacional de Chilecito