Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento
The National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) was created on May 20, 1992, by National Law No. 24,082 and founded in 1993 when the Organizing Rector Roberto Nöel Domecq and the Advisory Commission were appointed. The UNGS owes its name to the then-party of General Sarmiento, which later in 1994 was divided into three municipalities: San Miguel, José C. Paz, and Malvinas Argentinas. Since its foundation, the University has adopted as a principle the link between training, critical investigation of the problems that affect society, and the search for alternative actions to overcome them. The UNGS is organized into four interdisciplinary research and teaching Institutes that seek to respond to current problems related to industry, science, the city, and knowledge. They are the Institute of Sciences, the Institute of the Conurbano, the Institute of Industry, and the Institute of Human Development. The central aspect of its activity is to contribute to the democratization of teaching, access to knowledge by all sectors of society, and the search for academic excellence, assuming a pedagogical strategy focused on ensuring a solid basic and specific training in the students. Within this framework, the University offers free undergraduate degrees, nationally valid degrees, study scholarships, academic scholarships for training in teaching, research, management, and community services, personalized tutorial support, a modern and efficient library public, and free access and quality academic space. Its university campus is located at Juan María Gutiérrez 1150, city of Los Polvorines, Malvinas Argentinas, northwest of Greater Buenos Aires.
The National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) was created on May 20, 1992, by National Law No. 24,082 and founded in 1993 when the Organizing Rector Roberto Nöel Domecq and the Advisory Commission were appointed. The UNGS owes its name to the then-party of General Sarmiento, which later in 1994 was divided into three municipalities: San Miguel, José C. Paz, and Malvinas Argentinas.
Since its foundation, the University has adopted as a principle the link between training, critical investigation of the problems that affect society, and the search for alternative actions to overcome them.
The UNGS is organized into four interdisciplinary research and teaching Institutes that seek to respond to current problems related to industry, science, the city, and knowledge. They are the Institute of Sciences, the Institute of the Conurbano, the Institute of Industry, and the Institute of Human Development.
The central aspect of its activity is to contribute to the democratization of teaching, access to knowledge by all sectors of society, and the search for academic excellence, assuming a pedagogical strategy focused on ensuring a solid basic and specific training in the students. Within this framework, the University offers free undergraduate degrees, nationally valid degrees, study scholarships, academic scholarships for training in teaching, research, management, and community services, personalized tutorial support, a modern and efficient library public, and free access and quality academic space.
Its university campus is located at Juan María Gutiérrez 1150, city of Los Polvorines, Malvinas Argentinas, northwest of Greater Buenos Aires.
- Los Polvorines
Juan María Gutiérrez,1150, B1613, Los Polvorines