Universidad Nacional De Jose C. Paz (UNPAZ)
Located in the city of José C. Paz, the National University of José Clemente Paz (UNPAZ) was created in 2009 by Law No. 26,577. UNPAZ recognizes higher education as a fundamental social right for the economic, social and cultural development of the region and for the strengthening of the rule of law and the democratic values of the people. In this sense, its mission is teaching in higher education as well as the production and dissemination of knowledge that contributes to the development of the region, putting itself at the service of the consolidation of social equity and development. His vision is to promote equity, inclusion and the expansion of opportunities that higher education offers to the local community. The values that inspire it are based on solidarity as a path in the task of forming men and women of integrity who, as people and citizens, are bearers of the highest ideals that humanism raises and are capable of putting their knowledge at the service of society. democracy and the growth of humanity. The objective of this house of studies is to guarantee free undergraduate education and access to the public, free and free university, ensuring equal opportunities and possibilities, developing a plural openness without any discrimination towards all sectors of society . The access of any citizen to the public university constitutes an acquired right. Higher education should not only be a public and social good, but a universal human right and a responsibility of the State.
Located in the city of José C. Paz, the National University of José Clemente Paz (UNPAZ) was created in 2009 by Law No. 26,577. UNPAZ recognizes higher education as a fundamental social right for the economic, social and cultural development of the region and for the strengthening of the rule of law and the democratic values of the people.
In this sense, its mission is teaching in higher education as well as the production and dissemination of knowledge that contributes to the development of the region, putting itself at the service of the consolidation of social equity and development.
His vision is to promote equity, inclusion and the expansion of opportunities that higher education offers to the local community. The values that inspire it are based on solidarity as a path in the task of forming men and women of integrity who, as people and citizens, are bearers of the highest ideals that humanism raises and are capable of putting their knowledge at the service of society. democracy and the growth of humanity.
The objective of this house of studies is to guarantee free undergraduate education and access to the public, free and free university, ensuring equal opportunities and possibilities, developing a plural openness without any discrimination towards all sectors of society .
The access of any citizen to the public university constitutes an acquired right. Higher education should not only be a public and social good, but a universal human right and a responsibility of the State.
- José C. Paz
Leandro N. Alem,4731, B1665, José C. Paz