University Of Pasundan Bandung
Universitas Pasundan Bandung, hereinafter will be referred to as UNPAS, was established on November 14th, 1960. UNPAS has well grown and developed into a leading university and become the pride of the community since then. It is proven by its largest number of students enrolled in this university among Kopertis Region IV.
Universitas Pasundan Bandung, hereinafter will be referred to as UNPAS, was established on November 14th, 1960. UNPAS has well grown and developed into a leading university and become the pride of the community since then. It is proven by its largest number of students enrolled in this university among Kopertis Region IV.
Students do not only come from 33 provinces in Indonesia, but also from other neighboring countries, such as Thailand, Singapore, Somalia, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia, Canada, Timor Leste, Uzbekistan, Germany, Japan, China, Tajikistan, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Australia, and Kirgizstan. Up until now, UNPAS has 7 faculties, 25 bachelor degree study programs, 7 master degree study programs, and 3 doctoral degree study programs.
The large number of students enrolled in the university comes from the trust of the community itself. The 2005 Tempo Magazine and 2006 Kompas surveyed and claimed that UNPAS was included in the Top 3 most favorite universities in Bandung while the 2007 SWA surveyed that UNPAS was ranked in the top 4 in terms of accreditation and top 25 favorite universities in Java. At the end of 2008, UNPAS was graded in the Top 10 private universities in Indonesia and also the 3rd best private universities based on UniRank ( UNPAS also gets an “A” in terms of accreditation.
Having a lot number of students, UNPAS also has its students involved in various activities. They successfully earned several achievements, both domestically and internationally, including scientific activities, sports, arts, technologies, and other community activities. In sports, students of UNPAS have recorded and earned achievements in the world championship, such as The World Alpinis Championship in the United States of America, The 2009 International Taekwondo Bronze Medal in The 25th Sea Games in Laos, Vientiane, and best winner of Indonesian Gokart in 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2016, and best Electric Car in 2014 and 2015.
The implementation of University Tridarma, in most study programs, has already reached its great level of internal efficiency. National Accreditation Organization of Higher Education, hereinafter will be referred to as BAN-PT, ranked the indicators received by 14 study programs “A” (PRIME), while the existence of Indonesian Quality Assurance Unit of UNPAS, hereinafter will be referred to as SPMI, has successfully achieved great implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System of university given from Directorate General of Higher Education of Ministry of National Education, hereinafter will be referred to as DirjenDiktiKemendiknas, in 2008. The year 2016 was one of the best years of SPMI in doing its performances, making UNPAS a leading university among others. At the same time, UNPAS has also hold on training guidance to those universities whose accreditation is still below “A” (PRIME).
To establish a network and implementation of On-Campus and support Online Distance Learning, UNPAS has built and completed the infrastructure of Video Conference / Teleconference. The infrastructure itself has already been tested by Dikti and other institutions.
Furthermore, the level of acknowledgment and trust from the community is growing high, both nationally and internationally. It is proven by the fact that in 2007, UNPAS was already included in the 50 Promising Indonesian Universities and 80 health-based and competitiveness-based universities. Meanwhile, UNPAS also has internationally developed great trust to carry out The Community Empowerment Program from JICA and conduct Mandarin language education in collaboration with Hebei Normal University, People’s Republic of China. UNPAS has placed 8 foreign teachers as well (7 teachers from China and 1 teacher from South Korea).
In 2015, UNPAS became a host of “Annual International Conference (AIC) 2015 Equal Educational Opportunity by U-Learning Technology” for the second time. It was also attended by 14 countries and the Rector of UNPAS as Chairman of Steering Committee since the first AIC in Busan, South Korea. In November 2016, a similar conference was held in South Africa where Rector was once again mandated to be the third Chairman of the Steering Committee. In 2015, UNPAS collaborated with the University of Northern Philippines (UNP) to organize International Seminar “International Conference in Interdisciplinary Studies in Cultural Preservative”.
A joint-degree program between Guangxi Normal University, the People’s Republic of China, and UNPAS has already begun since 2010, while the International Class has been officially opened since the academic year of 2012/2013. Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UNPAS was the first department to open an international class, then followed by the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2018, in collaboration with Kyung Hee University, South Korea. There is also a dormitory house for students available in Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 19 Bandung and home-stay program between students of UNPAS and Genki Gakuen of Shizouka, Japan and Chonbuk National University, South Korea.
Academic activities are well carried out by experienced teachers. Up until now, according to Higher Education Database, hereinafter will be referred to as PDPT (Pangkalan Data Perguruan Tinggi), UNPAS has approximately 574 teachers who graduated from both domestic and foreign universities. It consists of 27 professors, 158 doctoral degrees, and 402 master's degrees. Therefore, with approximately 19.200 students, UNPAS has a balanced teacher ratio, which is 1:35.1. In 2009, UNPAS received a grant for international university promotion through QS Stars while in 2012 received a “Rated for Excellence” three-star award for Employability and Teaching and a two-star award for Internalization.
To improve services to foreign students, UNPAS has been establishing the International Office (International Cooperation Division) since the academic year of 2010/2011. Furthermore, the Communication Studies and Management study program have earned an achievement for Best School of Communication and Management three years in a row, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
In 2015, UNPAS obtained ISO 9001:2008 while in 2017, a new version of ISO 9001:2015 was also obtained by head office and several study programs, such as Food Technology, Management, Public Administration and Biology and Faculty of Law. National Accreditation Committee, hereinafter will be referred to as KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional), was also obtained in the same year. Early 2019, there were 201 acquisitions of Intellectual Property Rights, hereinafter will be referred to HAKI (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual), brands, and patents. The teachers have received 68 research grants, (50 titles and 18 titles were for community service). This was the most among other private universities in West Java and Banten. UNPAS has also exported 4 machines of Modified Cassava Flour to the Fiji Republic.
To facilitate the program of Professional Certification in 2016, UNPAS established a cooperation with the international institution of professional certification, the American Academy of Project Management, in the United States of America. This was implemented in 2016 by students who graduated in 2016. Some teachers have also obtained these certificates from the institution. Furthermore, based on the university’s performance evaluation by the Directorate General of Research and Development in mid-July 2016, UNPAS was clustered as UTAMA.
According to Institution of Assessment and Technology Implementation, hereinafter will be referred to as BPPT (Badan Pengkajian and Penerapan Teknologi), UNPAS joined technopreneurship-partner implementation which also supports a government program to achieve its goal of a developed country. In October 2016, UNPAS also joined Nusantara Student Exchange or called PERMATA (Pertukaran Antarmahasiswa Nusantara). In 2018, UNPAS has both established Profession Certification Institution, or LSP P1, approved by National Profession Certification Institution, or BNSP (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) and also Pasundan Halal Center to develop the implementation of Islamic sharia. There are also 10 scientific journals listed in DOAJ and 1 listed in Thomson Reuters.
According to the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology No. 775/KPT/I/2019, UNPAS officially established the Faculty of Medicine which in the academic year 2019/2020 has accepted 50 students so far.
- Bandung
Jl. Lengkong Besar No.68, , Bandung