University of Perugia, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is located at the Engineering campus of University of Perugia. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is known worldwide for outstanding research in many fields like earthquake engineering, structural health monitoring, retrofitting of masonry structures, smart and sustainable materials, geotechnics, hydrology, and hydraulic engineering. It received from the Italian Ministry the title of Department of Excellence in 2018.
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is located at the Engineering campus of the University of Perugia. The school is easily accessible by car, train, bus, and minimetrò and is located in a green environment not far from the city center.
Many laboratories are available for students and researchers among which are the structural dynamics lab, the water engineering lab (one the biggest in the world), and the brand-new structural testing lab.
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is known worldwide for outstanding research in many fields like earthquake engineering, structural health monitoring, retrofitting of masonry structures, smart and sustainable materials, geotechnics, hydrology, and hydraulic engineering. It received from the Italian Ministry the title of Department of Excellence in 2018.
The campus hosts a library, the students' office, a cafeteria and a canteen, and many workstations for students.
Campus Features
Structural Engineering is held at the Engineering Campus of the University of Perugia, a modern structure on the outskirts of the city, distributed across multiple engineering schools, with a dedicated library, computing facilities, laboratories, a food court, and a dedicated train station. We are at the geographical center of a wide network of national and international enterprises. Our network spans multiple countries, with plenty of options for student exchange opportunities.
Enrollment procedures
After the preliminary procedures for the assessment of the foreign qualification and have obtained admission, you can complete the application of online enrollment and proceed therefore to:
- fill out the enrollment request online by uploading all the required documents (listed below)
- pay the First installment via PAGO PA
- send an email to the International Students Office. Please contact the university for more information.
Attention: in the case of enrolments in two-year Master’s Degree courses it is necessary to be in possession of the “nullaosta” issued by the course (see below).
Enrolment procedures such as completion, submission, and administrative checks of mandatory documents will be carried out with an online preliminary procedure.
After the administrative check, the enrollment will be completed. Once enrolled, you must go to the Student Office of your degree program to deliver the original documentation, scheduling an appointment in person for the evaluation of the documents.
So candidates are required to take original hard copies of all the below-listed documents with them when they are summoned.
The Student Office has the right to verify that all submitted documents are genuine, as well as to request any additional documents deemed necessary to confirm the authenticity of submitted qualifications and the possession of entry requirements.
Mandatory documents for enrollment
- valid passport (or identity card, only for EU citizens);
- fiscal code (for information on the issue see page residency-documents);
- for non-EU students with entry visa for study purposes: study Visa for “University enrolment” released by the Italian Diplomatic mission (Embassy or Consulate) in the Country where the candidate has his/her residence and a copy of the receipts of residence permit request (for information on the issue see the page residency-documents);
- for non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy and Chinese students in the Marco Polo Project: valid residence permit card. If you are renewing your residence permit card, you will need a copy of your expired permit together with the post office receipts of your renewal application receipts of your residence permit request;
- All the documentation of the foreign qualification already pre-evaluated as listed on the page list-of-study-documents
- Statement of comparability of academic qualification by CIMEA, or Declaration of Value, by the Diplomatic/Consular representation that is competent for the territory or Certification of Foreign Centres of the ENIC/NARIC network or (for the 55 signatory countries of the Lisbon Recognition Convention) Statement of correspondence available for download in the ARDI database (Automatic Recognition Database Italia);
- Statement of verification of academic qualification by CIMEA. If the issuing of the Certificate of Verification is not possible for the country of qualification, the legalization/apostille of the qualification itself will be required;
- if necessary certification attesting a level of knowledge of the Italian language not lower than B2 as determined by the CLIQ;
- if necessary, certification attesting to a level of knowledge of the English language (for enrolment in degree courses entirely taught in English).
Nullaosta for two-year Master’s Degree courses
If you want to enroll in one of the Master’s Degree courses that have the procedure of application for online “nullaosta” (see the page with the list of courses) before filling out the enrollment request you must proceed to the application form online.
- Enter the SOL (Servizi On Line)
- If you have NEVER been a student of the University of Perugia and you have never registered at the SOL-OnLine Secretariat, click on "registration";
- If you already have the credentials (Username and password) click on "authentication" and make the "login".
- Fill the request of nullaosta through SOL.
Visa Requirements
Non-European Community foreign citizens residing abroad must apply for a university study/enrolment visa at the Italian consular diplomatic mission of the country of residence and have access of the specific number of places reserved for visa applicants and residents abroad.
To apply for a visa they must access the UNIVERSITALY portal in order to fill in the relative “pre-enrolment request” online.
For additional information, please contact us.
Attention: The final decision on the issue of a visa for study purposes is the exclusive jurisdiction of the diplomatic/consular Mission. The approval of a pre-enrolment request for a study course by higher education institutions does not automatically imply the issue of the visa.
- Perugia
Via G. Duranti, 93, Perugia, 06125, Perugia