University of Rijeka Department of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics in Rijeka was founded in 1960 as a department on the Faculty of Educational Sciences (since 1998 the Faculty of Philosophy), which was to become in 1973 one of the four founding faculties of the University of Rijeka.
About Us
Department of Mathematics in Rijeka was founded in 1960 as a department on the Faculty of Educational Sciences (since 1998 the Faculty of Philosophy), which was to become in 1973 one of the four founding faculties of the University of Rijeka.
Department of Mathematics, as a separate institution and a modern university department, was established on April 1, 2008, based on the Decision of establishment of the University Departments, which was passed by University of Rijeka’s Senate on 17 December 2007. The Department of Mathematics along with the former employees of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has a tendency toward assembling others mathematicians University Constituents from the University of Rijeka. Thereby, the first cycle study program in mathematics and the second cycle study program in mathematics and computer sciences become studies of the University of Rijeka which are organized and conducted by the Department of Mathematics.
It is situated in a new building on the University Campus with a lot of offices, classroom and laboratory space, well equipped with a computer and other equipment. There are 29 researchers, professors, and assistants, constituting three research groups: the algebra and number theory group, discrete mathematics group, and mathematical analysis group.

The mission and the vision of the Department of Mathematics
The mission of the Department of Mathematics is the development of scientific and professional work in the field of mathematics and the concern about human resources in mathematics at the University of Rijeka. The Department of Mathematics organizes and conducts studies in mathematics and participates in the organization and conducting of the study programs at the other constituents of the University. The Department of Mathematics contributes to the development of the University and society while striving towards nationally and internationally recognized excellence in research and teaching activities.
The vision of the Department of Mathematics is the strategic positioning as an internationally recognized and accepted scientific and educational institution as well as the active component of Croatian and European higher education and research field that educates internationally recognized quality and capable professionals as well as conducts internationally recognized research.