University Of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics and Business
The Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka was founded in mid-1961. With the first lectures starting on 1st November 1961, the Faculty has been educating economic experts especially for enhancing the economic development of the Croatian Littoral and Istrian region. In 2001, the Faculty moved to the new address of I. Filipovi?a 4, Rijeka.
About the Faculty
The Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka was founded in mid-1961. With the first lectures starting on 1st November 1961, the Faculty has been educating economic experts especially for enhancing the economic development of the Croatian Littoral and Istrian region. In 2001, the Faculty moved to the new address of I. Filipovića 4, Rijeka.
Since the academic year 2005/2006, the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka (EFRI) conducts university study programs in line with the Bologna Declaration for study programs of Economics and Business Economics. While enhancing the development of study programs, the Faculty has adopted an internationally recognizable model 3 + 2 + 3, so that after the completion of a three-year university undergraduate study program students obtain the title Bachelor's degree in (business) economics, which is followed by a two-year graduate study program, and after graduation, students are awarded a master's degree. Then, completion of a three-year postgraduate doctoral studies leads to obtaining an academic title of a Ph.D.
The great number of foreign universities, with which the Faculty has signed agreements on collaboration in different fields, the number of visiting professors involved within the teaching process, and the number of Faculty teachers staying at foreign universities as well as the increasing number of incoming and outgoing students within the mobility programs show the current volume of the Faculty of Economics and Business’ involvement in the international higher education and research area.
We are not accredited with AACSB, but we are a member of this association and are in the process of applying. But, our bachelor's program is accredited by EFMD and our Ph.D. program is accredited by EDAMBA: Accreditations and memberships | University Of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics and Business.
In the international business and scientific environment, and in cooperation with the community, by educating and developing entrepreneurially oriented and socially responsible leaders, managers and researchers, we contribute to the development of society and science.
Integration into the European area of higher education and European research area accompanied by the overwhelming support for the development of the economy. Integration can be seen through the competitiveness of the study programs, student exchange, academic and administrative personnel, and joint international study and research projects. Lending support to the economy is achieved through drawing up useful educational programs for the economy, joint, mutually advantageous, research projects as well as the widespread inclusion of student capacity. The Faculty will be recognized as a much sought-after and reliable higher educational institute, a partner with the economy as well as with other national and international scientific and educational institutes and students. The Faculty shall be an institution that will continuously evolve and enhance its study programs, research, and its staff.
- Rijeka
Ivana Filipovića 4 51000 Rijeka Croatia, , Rijeka